The program is based on each child individually and focuses on their level. We help children who are behind, catch up, and maintain their level. In addition, we excel children who are on task and prepare them to advance.
All Ages
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Progress Reports
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
Test Prep
We prepare each child for the specific subject test that they will be taking. We focus on making sure that the child has the best results, and passes the test.
All Ages
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Progress Reports
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
Gifted & Talented, NY State Test, NY Regents Test, Immigration Test, SHSAT, etc.
Private School Prep
Homework Help
We help the children understand the homework they are assigned at school and focus on explaining what they fail to comprehend. We work on making sure that the child completes the homework, and is not behind.
All Ages
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Progress Reports
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
After School
We focus on completing the homework with the students that were assigned from their school. We make sure to work with them and explain the topics that the students have a hard time understanding. This program includes extra activities and fun programs afterward.
All Ages
School Pick-Ups:
P.S. 195
P.S. 100
P.S. 206
P.S. 254
I.S. 98 (Bay Academy)
PS/IS 686 (Brooklyn School of Inquiry)
I.S. 468 (KECSS)
Pick-Ups Available for Half-Day Dismissal
Open on school breaks and off days
Drop Off Option Available
Late Pick-ups
Progress Reports
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
Activities: Sports, Arts & Crafts, Theme Days, Chess, Etc.
Hot Lunch Served by SHEEP by BARASHKA
Snack Time
Kindergarten Readiness
We make the children learn the basic foundations of school to prepare them for kindergarten. This includes alphabet knowledge, basic vocabulary, math skills, and more. In addition, we help them understand a routine, and what it is like to be in school.
Ages 4 - 5
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Gifted & Talented Prep
Early Drop Off
Activities: Sports, Arts & Crafts, Theme Days, Chess, Etc.
Hot Lunch Served by SHEEP by BARASHKA
Breakfast & Snack Times
Progress Reports
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
Children will be taught coding principles. Coding can help you improve your logical thinking skills by allowing you to see problems from a new perspective. Children will learn that complex coding projects are made up of smaller tasks and by breaking down the problem and adopting a methodological way of thinking, you can tackle any challenge.
All Ages
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Progress Reports
Homeschool Program
This program is education that can be held in the comfort of your own home or in pods at our center. Parents will work side-by-side with our tutors to discuss the curriculum they want their children to follow with us. Our group pods have the option of being created by the parent in their home. Your child also has the option of joining the pods we have open at the center. The pods in our center allow your child to participate in extracurricular activities, such as Foreign Language, Chess, Sports, Arts & Crafts, and much more. Your child can get the benefits of learning with individual attention in an enriching environment with additional services.
All Ages
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Early Drop-off Available
Progress Reports
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
Activities: Sports, Arts & Crafts, Theme Days, Chess, Etc.
Breakfast & Snack Times
Hot Lunch Served by SHEEP by BARASHKA
Toddler Program
Toddlers will be able to participate in a learn and play class. They will be taught the basic foundations, through a play-based form. We will make sure to teach them the different topics that they need to prepare them for school in the future.
Ages 2 - 5
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Progress Reports
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
Activities: Arts & Crafts, STEM, Sensory Play, Dance, Etc.
Gifted & Talented Prep
Handwriting Class
Children will be taught how to perfect their handwriting, grip with various writing utensils, and have good penmanship. We will focus on helping them write with different utensils. In addition, children will be taught neat handwriting as well.
All Ages
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Progress Reports
International Learning
A remote program that offers primarily English language learning. We work with people who are interested in learning the English language outside of the United States. We also offer various subjects such as Math, ELA, Science, and History. American teachers will lead the lessons.
All Ages
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
Progress Reports
English Language for New Learners
Adults will be taught the fundamentals of the English language. This includes grammar, sounding out words, reading, and writing. In addition, we will go over topics with them to advance their vocabulary and understanding.
All Ages
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Progress Reports
Winter, Spring, Summer Programs
Children will use this program to keep up with their education during their summer, winter, spring, and any major holiday break. During the break, children will learn what they were taught in school to stay on track, and they can also complete the assignments given to them for summer break. In addition, children will enjoy extra enrichment classes.
All Ages
Only Group
In-Office & Online
Summer Program, Winter Program, and Spring Program
Early Morning Drop-off and Late Evening Pick-up Available
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
Gifted & Talented Prep
Activities: Sports, Arts & Crafts, Theme Days, Chess, Etc.
Breakfast & Snacks
Hot Lunch Served by SHEEP by BARASHKA
Mommy and Me
Mothers will be able to use this program to strengthen their bond with their children. Every Sunday, mothers and their children can join us for unlimited bonding by participating in different activities. Such as arts & crafts, dance, movement, music, and storytelling.
Ages 2 - 5
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Progress Reports
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
Activities: Arts & Crafts, Dance, Movement, Music, Storytelling, Etc.
Saturday and Sunday School
This program allows your child to have a fun-loving weekend by participating in educational extracurricular activities. Children will be participate in debate, cooking, book club, and more every weekend! Children will also be involved in interactive theme days and monthly trips!
All Ages
Group Only
In-Office & Online & Home
Subjects: Math, English, Science, History, Etc.
Activities: Coding, Creativity Workshops, Music and Dance, Cooking Class, Sports & Movement, Etc.
Hot Lunch Served by SHEEP by BARASHKA
Snack Times
Arithmetic Math
Arithmetic Math is a branch of mathematics in which numbers, relations among numbers, and observations on numbers are studied and used to solve problems. The program helps children have better problem-solving skills.
All Ages
Private, Semi-Private, and Group
In-Office & Online & Home
Progress Reports
Playful Pods Drop off & Work Program
This program is designed to help busy parents get their work done while their child is watched. While the parent is working the child is engaged in activities, playtime, and nap time. The program provides a space to work, snacks, and free Wifi.
All Ages Kids and Adults
Kids Group Space
Adult Private Space